Sunday, February 28, 2016

DIY Vapor Stick

Here's another Do-It-Yourself I just made for my husband. He's been using a vapor stick that I've been buying from doTERRA for awhile now and my husband uses it almost nightly and absolutely swears by it. A couple of days ago he announced that his stick was gone and needed another. I, not being able to read his mind and realize that the stick was running low, didn't have a spare stick sitting in my "Everything Natural" storage area. Yes, I have a large area in one of my storage closets that is filled with everything "doTERRA" and all the other items I keep in stock for soaps, lotions or any of the many things I make for our health and home.

It struck me that I should be able to make something close to what he's been using. Honestly this is why I love doTERRA so much, they sell a lot of pre-made items for those of us who don't have the time or inclination to try and make them ourselves. But seeing as I have the time to play around in the kitchen, I decided to give this one a shot.

I did my usual research on what oils would work best for my needs. Following is a list of my choices.


  • Maintains clear airways and breathing
  • Supports overall respiratory health
  • Helps minimize the effects of seasonal threats 


  • Promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing


  • Renowned for its cleansing and rejuvenating effects on the skin
  • Promotes healthy immune function
  • Protects against environmental and seasonal threats

Next, I searched on Pinterest for a pre-made recipe for a breathe sticks or at least a recipe that I could adapt to my needs. What I found were recipes for lip balms and salves which are both about the consistency of what I was needing; The only change was that I used olive oil instead of sweet almond oil. I was out of stock of the almond oil and worked with what I had.

After making the recipe I poured the mixture into the empty stick I already had and the remainder into a glass jar. Now as the stick empties out I can just refill it by putting the glass jar into my microwave; watching closely so as to only heat until re-liquefied, and refill my stick. I have found empty stick containers on Amazon if you want to buy some. I'm big into "recycle and re-use" but will eventually run out of what I have and have to being buying items myself.

It's not exactly like the original stick he's been using but in a pinch...It worked. My husband used the home-made stick last night and absolutely loved it. He especially liked how it moisturized as well as kept his nose passage clear. 

Vapor Rub Stick

1/2 cup olive oil
2 Tbsp. shredded beeswax
40 drops Breathe
20 drops Peppermint
20 drops Eucalyptus

Since I don’t have a double boiler I put a heatproof glass bowl inside a simmering pot 
of water and place ingredients inside the bowl. (I use my Pyrex measuring cups)
Melt together the olive oil and beeswax. 
Carefully stir the contents until mixture is nice and smooth.
Once everything is melted, remove from the heat.
Wait 5-6 minutes or so and then add in your essential oils. (If you put them in too soon,
the heat may evaporate them).
Stir well and pour immediately into glass jars since the mixture will begin to solidify.
I used an empty tube I had from doTERRA’s Breathe stick.
This should keep for a year or so if stored in a cool, dark place.

How to use:

Use like you would any vapor rub by applying it to chest, lung and neck area. I like to
place a bit under the nose and take in a deep breath. You can also use this for allergy
attacks. It really does work.

I've made a recipe card with instructions and you can download it HERE  or just click on the recipe card below. 

As always thanks for checking out my blog and God Bless.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Bottom of Feet Relief

A few months ago I woke up; stood up and sat right back down. I could not even begin to explain the pain I was experiencing on the bottom of my foot. I seriously wanted to cry. Finally, after about a week of hardly being able to put weight on my foot, I decided to find an oil combination that would help with the pain. I began some stretches and icing which really helped a lot but what helped even more was this recipe I found on pinterest.

Bottom Of Feet Relief  

Here's what you'll need:
  • 12 drops Marjoram
  • 12 drops Lemongrass
  • 6 drops Peppermint
  • 6 drops Frankincense
  • 6 drops Deep Blue
  • 24 drops Fractionated Coconut Oil
  1. Add all essential oils as well as the fractionated coconut oil into a 10ml rollerball. 
  2. Apply to bottom foot; repeat 4 times daily or until pain subsides.
I do love my oils. I'll tell you, the cooling/comforting relief I got from rolling this on the bottom of my feet was wonderful. 

 I made up another recipe card for this, so you can just click on the card below to download.
Have a great day and God Bless.

As always, Thanks for visiting my Blog and God Bless.

Liquid Dish Soap

Did you know that you can make your own dish soap for next to nothing? or how about laundry soap? I know for me the cost of shampoo and conditioner is breaking my budget. So let's start with some household items that I know you will love. I've been making most of these "recipes" for awhile and as I tweak them I'll be sure and updating the information to you.

Liquid Dish Soap

1/2 cup grated soap (I used Kirk’s Castile soap)*
4 cups water
1 Tbs vegetable glycerin 
(optional: used as a hand moisturizer)
10 drops Lemon
10 drops Grapefruit
10 drops Wild Orange
10 drops Lime
(I used this combination because the citrus helps cut grease)

Grate bar of soap. In a saucepan add water and 1/2 cup grated soap. Over 
low/medium heat gently heat without bringing to a boil until all the soap has dissolved. 
Add in vegetable glycerin and stir well. Place in a jar. After cooling for a short time 
(30 minutes to an hour; adding to soon will take away the effectiveness of the oils) 
add in combination of essential oils and allow to set up for 24 hours, stirring 
Pour into a soap pump or squeezable container. Give it a shake, and enjoy!

Below are other oils to try.

10 drops lemon, 10 drops grapefruit, 10 drops wild orange, 10 drops lime (this is what I used)
15 drops lemongrass, 15 drops tangerine
15 drops wild orange, 15 drops peppermint
20 drops lemon, 15 drops eucalyptus
15 drops lemon, 15 drops thyme
5 drops cinnamon, 20 drops wild orange

My hubby and I have made this and used it. I love the aroma and he (being my main "Hand" dish washer) loves the way it cuts through the grease.  We put the citrus oils in; they help cut the grease. It didn't gel up as well as I would have liked so I'll be playing around with it to see if I can get a better consistency. Just remember in most of these recipes that the lack of suds Does Not mean it's not working. You won't get the bubbles but it will do the job, trust me. 

Give it a try and let me know what you think.

***Update: I ended up placing this dish soap recipe in a empty foaming pump dispenser I had kept. I can't tell you how wonderful it works. Just pump it onto a sponge and start washing dishes. It really foams up well when used this way.

If you want to download the "Recipe Card" shown below just pres HERE.

As always, Thanks for visiting my Blog and God Bless.