Saturday, February 20, 2016

Bottom of Feet Relief

A few months ago I woke up; stood up and sat right back down. I could not even begin to explain the pain I was experiencing on the bottom of my foot. I seriously wanted to cry. Finally, after about a week of hardly being able to put weight on my foot, I decided to find an oil combination that would help with the pain. I began some stretches and icing which really helped a lot but what helped even more was this recipe I found on pinterest.

Bottom Of Feet Relief  

Here's what you'll need:
  • 12 drops Marjoram
  • 12 drops Lemongrass
  • 6 drops Peppermint
  • 6 drops Frankincense
  • 6 drops Deep Blue
  • 24 drops Fractionated Coconut Oil
  1. Add all essential oils as well as the fractionated coconut oil into a 10ml rollerball. 
  2. Apply to bottom foot; repeat 4 times daily or until pain subsides.
I do love my oils. I'll tell you, the cooling/comforting relief I got from rolling this on the bottom of my feet was wonderful. 

 I made up another recipe card for this, so you can just click on the card below to download.
Have a great day and God Bless.

As always, Thanks for visiting my Blog and God Bless.

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